• HITLERS Ostwall

    HITLERS Ostwall

  • HITLERS Ostwall

    HITLERS Ostwall

  • HITLERS Ostwall

    HITLERS Ostwall

  • HITLERS Ostwall

    HITLERS Ostwall

  • HITLERS Ostwall

    HITLERS Ostwall


von Christoph Boekel


Deutschland 1997

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Reportage über ein gigantisches unterirdisches Bunkersystem an der ehemaligen deutschen Ostgrenze.
1999 Filmfestival Internazionale Montagna Esplorazione - Trento
To create an impregnable Maginot Line on Germany's eastern front, Adolf Hitler built the "Oder-Warthe Crescent", a gigantic underground system of bunkers connected by miles of labyrinthine passages. But by 1945 only twenty miles of it had been built. Now this system is a haven for spelunkers. Equipped with caplamps, ropes and self-made maps, three men from the town of Loebau in Saxony clamber through the monstrous fortifications to explore their every nook and cranny.
Cast und Crew
  • Regie Christoph Boekel
  • Drehbuch Christoph Boekel
  • Schnitt Thomas Balkenhol
BAUM-FILM GmbHOtkerstr. 27
81547 München
Tel. +49 89 26024350 boekel@baumfilm.de
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